About Us
If you’re here on this page, you must be wondering what we’re all about. We’re nothing special. Just an ordinary family trying to do some good in this world. We’ve been particularly drawn toward music and writing and hope that our journey helps someone along the way.
Our theme is about being content and happy in our imperfections. We think that too many people are under too much pressure to be perfect, when all that is really needed in life is to be progressing little by little every day and getting better with time.
Our goal is to be vulnerable in our pursuit of becoming better.
We are part of Lemonade Stand, a content marketing company that sponsors and contributes to organizations that help kids and young adults become better at getting their message out to the world.
We hope you’ll enjoy our work. We know we’ve got lots to learn, but we wanted to share our journey with you along the way.
We’re Under The Stars!